You Could Be Had

This one goes out to Stemper. His package from KICK AXE just arrived and Tim, Gary, and I are all getting wasted on Stemper’s malt liquor. That’s what happen when you move away and don’t inform your sponsors. Miss you buddy!

This is unrelated, but I like to call it Triclops vs. the Symmetrical Nipple Monster.

Here’s some skate photos from last weekend:

We took Max to the infamous Grass Toro where he proceeded to jump straight onto his balls. After a testicular rest, he tried this crooked grind for awhile. Does it count if he popped out halfway down into the grass?

Max Murphy tailslides on some slippery lunch meat. See Tim’s post below for the digi-cam footage of the trick.

Earlier in the day I had bought Pizzy a du-rag from the gas station because I was worried his head was going to get sun burned. I think he appreciated it because he wore it most of the day. Even while doing cavemans on the boob rail. Might as well.

In the Horny House we are currently: Listening to Erik B & Rakim, drinking Kick Axe, playing SKATE on the Sbox 350, and preparing to cook brats. Now you know.



