I Just Gave It Three Strokes and it Started Juicin’

A couple more thanks shall have to go out on the Beez front. Big thanks to Transworld and HDskate for linking to the Beez trailer or Beez site. A+!

Otherwise, here’s the second last San Diego trip photo collection.

John got seriously geared up for the adventures and blue dog was seriously looking blue.

I can’t think of anything great to say about this one, but it still makes me laugh.

We skated the best rock spot I’ve ever skated. It was right on the beach and the waves were raging. At least compared to our Lake Michigan they were.

A solid collection of great looking gentleman.

I was trying to take a picture of Tim doing something but then a bird almost pooped on me. This is the reaction shot.

I think this was Stemper’s fourth board he set up on the trip.

After the rocks we went downtown to check out some H-Street spots. The Damien Klax Cabal rail is super gnar.

Danny Stemper, ollie. I wish I took more skate photos on the trip.

Of course.

It was a colorful place.

I love these dudes.

After skating we went to some booty dance party, of which I have zero pictures. The dance offs were something else though.

I’m not feeling too clever today.



