As Tim below me there already alluded to, the session at Cream City was pretty epic. There was Journey blaring my earholes like I said there would be, but no Locomotion. Which is probably a good thing. A real good thing. Tim mentioned Uncle Wil’s switch frontside flip first try, but what he forgot to mention is that I made him do it again because I filmed it from the wrong side. He did it second try too. Now that’s one skillful uncle. Not much else to mention about it, other than if you weren’t there, you obviously blew it. But there’s always next Wednesday; we’ll be holding a frontside wallride clinic, Stemper will handle the switch department.
Nothing of note to really say on the household cat front. All poops have been deposited into the triple decker litter box complex, no one ran away, and cats still don’t like to eat grapes. Oh, Dug rode the Gravitron a couple times, and a doubles ride was given to Elliott and Louise. Amazing!
Yesterday I also mentioned that I accidentally bought the full screen version of the Empire Strikes Back. Well, I’m happy to report that I was able to return it for the wide screen version. How heart wrenching that would have been otherwise. I photographed that mind blowingly awesome piece of pottery entiled “Darth Vader – From Childhood to Adulthood” pictured above at the equally great Wisconsin State fair a few weeks back. Could Anakin’s growth and subsequent turn to evil have been rendered any more masterfully? The attention to detail is unparallelled. Maybe you’ll also notice that it was somehow made by a highschool student. How that is possible, I will never know, but it was easily one of my favorite things seen at the fair. (Besides the huge pig balls.)
Tomorrow I go to the dentist. Cross your fingers.