As I’m sure you all know, this weekend it was perfect outside for the skateboarding. A little soggy maybe, but otherwise it was great. Besides that, there was a bunch of drinking, going to bed at 5am, and video game madness concentrated on Guitar Hero, Karaoke Revolution, and Wii Boxing. Whatever, forget the play by play, I don’t have any of the pictures on my computer yet. I did shoot this impressive ‘sequence’ with my other camera though. Behold:
I actually even filmed a lot of new stuff outside this weekend, but not yet quite enough for a new mini video. Hopefully sometime next week? Either way, I should have part two of the Lutzka 2001 footage up really soon. Stop back later this week and maybe it will be ready to go.
This is a little bit old, but again, another reason to be proud you’re from Wisconsin.