“Anyone That Thinks Pirates Are Funny Or Cool Are Fucking Assholes” – J. Ellis

And he’s completely correct. What is the facination with pirates anyway? Boring. The only pirates I like are Ice Pirates. I think Josh would agree.

Crust punks are kind of the modern pirates. I heard a rumor that crusty punks always have dogs because it’s harder for the police to arrest them. I personally hate those people. How the hell are you going to ask me for money when; A. I am at work and B. you’re holding a beer? And they always have dogs. As if it’s not easy enough to feed yourself, you have to feed a dog too? The only thing I find redeeming about them is those funny butt capes they wear with band names like “Assuck” or “Crucifux” on them. So cute! But again, I heard they only wear those to slow down the swelling of hemorrhoids from sitting on cold concrete all day. Actually, I can’t say all of them are bad because there is this one dude I know that would qualify as a crusty kid and he’s pretty good shit. Loves pinball, makes his own money and is pretty damn intelligent. But there is always an exception to the rule and I still hate all the rest of them.

Ok, enough of all the hate, let’s get on to the love!

I watched that clip that Josh linked to with the Milwaukee kids ripping, and I too agree that they are definately on the come-up. It makes me wax nostalgic of being young and hungry and trying to learn and do all the new moves. I wish the early 90’s (and aging) wouldn’t have interrupted that. However, I do still enjoy the occasional pressure flip from time to time.

Did you guys know that on Wednesday nights at Cream City we have “Old Dude Night”? By now I’m sure you do. But, did you know that if you’re over 25 you get 25% off admission? That’s right. You get rewarded for being an old dirt. I want to see more geriatrics out there and less licorice wielding juniors. Where the hell is Brian Walter? Brian Freeman? Brian Palmer? Any other Brians? Gorf? The Clementes? Paul Zitzer? The list goes on and on. Just get out there if your old.

Photo of the Millenium #9

And yet another Mark Gonzales photo. It’s not my fault though. He’s very photogenic. For a minute I thought Mark was getting kind of weird in his old age, but this photo will attest to the fact that he always had a flair for fashion and did things his own way. He’s riding his first pro model for Vision, so I assume this picture is from 85-86. Mark will always be my hero.



