Author: Eric Risser
COMPLAINT DEPT # 3: New Car Scent
Skating by Max Murphy, Vince Stranc and Taylor Lalk
Skating by Alex Keck, Taylor Lalk, Nick Mistele, Vince Stranc, and Sean Hanley
COMPLAINT DEPT # 1: Hank at Art’s Performing Center
COMPLAINT DEPT # 1: Hank at Art’s Performing Center Skating by Max Murphy
BK Broiler
More photos, old and new.
Falmar Splint
Fishy Spare
The photo exodus continues… straight from my hard drive to the world wide web. More to come next month. Stay tuned.
Man Boy
I’m back from wherever and beginning the daunting task of going through and organizing all the photos I’ve taken over the past couple of years. Going to try to make one post a month til I run out of photos. I’m going to start it out with a short one, but I promise my next…
I made a deal with Josh that if I didn’t update this site by the end of this month he would get to kick me in the balls. Since nothing motivates me more than the threat of physical violence, here’s my (annual) skateboard internet photo update.