Author: Josh

  • John Hughes Took My Virginity

    This is my first chance to sit down since I’ve been home for work. Toil, toil, toil. Tire buying trips, seat clamp spray painting, bike rides to pick up salads, dishes, shit boxes, garbages. Chores. All day. No complaints, this is what happens when you grow old. Another thing that happens is you start buying…

  • The Last Klingon

    It looks like it’s excuse time. Cru is swamped with school. Tim is working on getting his sleeping hours per day (shpd) to a level matching Gary’s. Toby has been off photographing Pikas in outer Mongolia. Steve is extremely busy finalizing the Fall ’08 women’s Rude Dog line. The Carn is editing ID3 tags for…

  • The First Klingon

    I’m thinking about just going ahead and renaming the site “” and being done with it. I suppose it’s not his fault for being so epic all the time though, now is it? You can’t blame someone for being born. On with it…Someone found the “Ass Ball” when we were setting up the “secret rail”.…

  • More Inspiring Than A Jaleel White Hosted PBS Telethon

    Yesterday, on my way home from work, I witnessed one of the greatest moments in life a young boy can have. I was pulling away from a red light, and I saw three kids who were probably twelve or thirteen riding their bikes down the sidewalk. I saw one of them very quickly jump off…

  • Hurry Up and Die

    Here’s a little trailer I threw together for my upcoming video, Hurry Up and Die. Funny that it’s still upcoming, even though it premiered in February, eh? It should be out…someday. Until then…film, film.

  • Ain’t never seen anyone so shit-all stupid as you.

    I love filming.

  • New Site

    So here it is, the new The site is now run off of a mySQL database, and about a thousand times easier to update. Now if it gets updated or not, that’s another story, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. If you find any problems, contact me so I can…