Author: Time Machine
On Skype With A Galdue
Some photos not from last Saturday, but the one before that. It was a pretty productive day filming wise, and we even managed to get a few photos. We were so lazy after expending all that effort in the hot sun that we did not even bother to skate the next day. We watched reality…
The Pulling Wasn’t Bad At All
This weekend two more tapes were added to the “need to capture” pile of tapes on my desk. The pile now stands at six tall, and Gary isn’t making it any smaller. Not only that, but the new Intervention is about to come on and I’m in dire need of a sandwich. So basically I…
He Wiggled Them Around, Then I Heard the Ripping Noise
I think I’m slowly getting caught up on the photo situation here, but getting caught up on that is making me fall way behind in the footage capturing department. Gary needs to start earning his kibble by logging footage when I’m at work. I guess every file would be named “”, so I suppose it…
Pizza, Fries, and Crawdaddies
These few skate photos were taken the same day as the previous post, but didn’t really fit the wacky theme presented therein. When I first visited this spot a few years ago I thought to myself how hyped people would have been to skate it in the late 80s. The last couple of years things…
Nachos and Apple Pie
Last weekend we needed to quickly take a photo for some unexpected Beez related media. The day of the deadline we drew up a plan of action and got to work. The following photos illustrate the making of/spirit of/outtakes*. Look for the finished result in an upcoming issue of the Skateboard Mag. *Not pictured due…
What’s Tantrum Sex?
In my advanced and grumpy age I tend to avoid looking at most other skateboarding sites because all they really tend to do is bum me out. I think it’s the whole “skateboarding is VERY serious business” way some people go about it all. There are a few that I really enjoy though, Platinum Seagulls…
Buns, Buns, Who Got The Buns?
It takes quite a bit to bum me out. Maybe some unkind words, and punch to the sack or something that I ate that made me spray some burning 50/50. Today, I had a video viewing experience that bummed me out worse than shooting hot mud. I don’t want to mention any names or even…
What’s Android Cock?
Some SD. Again. This was the final Friday of the mission. We woke up early and went on a hiking adventure at Jurassic Park/Planet of the Apes. Cornelius! The climb featured many skinny canyons and the walls were dotted with teenage makeout troll caves. I can’t imagine, over decades long past, of the amount of…
When The Beez Beez They Beez Together
September (which is somehow in the future, thus introducing many time travel related issues and problems ala TimeCop) is a good month for in print mentions of the Beez. Firstly is the September 08 issue of the Skateboard Mag where Kyle Leeper gives us a great shout out.Second, in that month’s TWS is a little…
A Nilla Wafter At This Hour??
These following photos cover a few days of the San Diego adventure where I must have been too busy filming, or too big of a pile to be taking very many photos. Or something. Maybe there just wasn’t that much going on. I hardly remember at this point. This was one of the days that…