Author: Time Machine

  • Masturbating Scarecrow Bank

    Pizzy’s recent updates have inspired me to dig the ol’ point and shoot and get back into the party cam game. These are from the last 30 or so rotations of this planet Earth.Footage, and real photos ‘n stuff, real soon, again, someday.

  • Do It Cooler

    Haven’t really had a photo filled early summer. Here’s some that have been languishing in the computer nether-zone.The crew in Minneapolis, months ago.Crap ‘n crap.Worst dude.Tj Bohach – Backside SmithNick Mistele – NosebluntDrew Rickaby – Kickflip NoseslideJimmy Brickner – Nollie NosegrindMatt Nordness – Fakie 5-0Max Murphy – OllieMatt Nordness – Backside OllieDudes at the hot…

  • Not Sounding Like First Of All

    More photos of my friends and random stuff I find interesting. This time from my new camera

  • Rogers of the Months

    Roger Skateboards and Milwaukee and The Gorf Life go together like those lists of things that go well together. Matt Nordness and Max Murphy – Rogers of the Month – June 2010 from Roger Skateboards on Vimeo. Oh! Gorf Life does have a new tee shirt – Sex Machines. Available online on the Gorf Life…

  • No Room For Squares

    My memorial day coverage consists of fooling around with the party cam and one spot that you will probably see on micky sooner than later. It was just one of those weekends I guess.

  • Soccer Mom.

    Oh, hi. I’ll bet you thought I was never going to update this here website again, didn’t you? Well, suck it. You’re wrong. So there’s this dude that draws real good crap that makes everyone laugh. He is also part owner of a skateboarding company you may have heard of called Roger. On weekends, he…

  • Casino Vs Japan

    They say shit happens. Here are photos of some shit that happened from the past couple months. first from pizzy on Vimeo.

  • Goodbyes

    Here’s Tim and Erics Rogers Of The Month outro. Their fame was fleeting and burned out quickly indeed. Tim and Eric – Roger of the Month Mar 2010 – Outro Video from Roger Skateboards on Vimeo.

  • Bone Demo May 22 8:00 PM

    Bones Wheels Demo!First 50 people can trade in your old set of wheels for some new ones! Only At Cream City Skatepark!

  • Smooth As An Android’s Bottom

    The Vag returns! Whale’s Vagina 12San Diego brethren. Tricks by: John McGuire, Joe Pease, Stuart Morgan, West Miller, John Fitzgerald, Peter Watkins, Chad Bartie, Jason Hodges, Zack Dowdy, David Jurusik, Colin Scott, Dan Nepscha, Jesse Prim, Danny Stemper, and Dusty Yauilla.