Rob Owens. The name and the man are infamous and legendary in skateboarding and in general. Just say his name around somebody and they will have a story to tell you about Rob. Rob will be the first to admit that he has had his ups and downs and his own obstacles to overcome. All of this kinda adds to the legend of Rob Owens and who people think he is and who he actually is. But what is important is that at 38 years old Rob is still passionate if not more passionate about skateboarding and getting out and doing what he loves. His passion for skating is very motivating and makes me want to get out and ride my board.Talking with Rob he seems to be at a very positive point in his life in which he is getting back and focussing on what he loves to do. He also has been putting in work at re establishing his company Grime Official. I was looking forward to doing this interview because I never really got a chance to talk to him for a long duration and get to know who he is. So here it is the Rob Owens Podcast.




