Eugene Jarvis

On Friday we skated a whole bunch of spots and managed to get a single photo. Very productive. This gap is by my house and it’s really big. It’s sort of one of those gaps you see and you know are relatively possible but no one really wants to do it. I showed it to TJ Bohach, and he was game. I’m not sure my angle really shows how big it is, so just imagine it sixteen times bigger than it appears. That way everyone is happy.

Estabrook is fun. Right by the house, stupid crap to skate, tons of sketchy thirteen year olds that skate for about two minutes and then instead of skating practice their sweet ‘graf’ skills and then smoke weed in the bushes. An extremely classic scenario. Anyway, on the left Stemper 5-0 grinds on a really stable and fun obstacle. That’s the whole point of this place, Tetris situations that lead to set ups that could collapse and maim any second. On the right may be photo evidence of the conception of Beez 4.

The Carn seriously contemplating some wacky Beez moves. Or something. I think it involves some sort of math and formulas and whatnot.

This PJ is quite the hot spot. I’m sure every single one of the King of the Road teams made a stop here to check some PJ points off the checklist. A guy working there told us that there was about 20 people skating there earlier in the day. Stemper above with a nosegrind polejam. A wacky move that was not on the checklist.

Bye bye summer.



