• Romance Is In The Air.

    Josh is really working hard on the site these days. New video clips, regular updates and now the classic update section. Best skate site ever? Maybe! Keep up the good work, Josh. So my friend Ryan in Seattle did something great and made stickers for us (us meaning everyone, so ask me for one if…

  • When Word Gets Out…

    Why yes, that is the Beez 3 trailer available for your viewing above. As has been mentioned a few times on the site, the video is done. The negative part being none of us have any money, so there’s really no idea when or if copies will actually be made. Shall we or shant we,…

  • Relax, would you? We have seventy dollars and a pair of girls underpants. We’re safe as kittens.

    Philly, February 2007. Last time I was here in say…2002, things were quite different. Let’s take a look around. City Hall:So it appears that after the city used city hall as the ‘street’ area for the X-games, and got their money out of it, they decided that they didn’t want anyone to be able to…

  • She’s got her period. Should be an interesting honeymoon.

    Straight off the plane and onto the computer to make a new video clip. I can barely even hear out of my right ear. Great, right? Mini Video 36 – Love is Alright. I used two clips that are in Beez 3, so I’m sure Carn will complain about it. I really wanted to use…

  • omnichord

    this just in: “This is the TV show that was supposed to be based on my personal photo blog epiclylaterd.com. I kinda veered so far off into a totally nerdy skateboard direction that the show now has no connection to my website other than the name. So this is my nerdy skateboard show. It

  • 3 chasers and a patrock

    Well, I guess I can make the announcement, “Jeff Chase has left the building!” Yes, sad but true it is, he went back to omaha yesterday. Did you know that Jeff Chase can skate very well? I know and I witnessed the destruction first hand. First of all not that many people can ollie on…

  • She was like a pretzel, beautiful, and I loved it

    Forget what I said about ice fishing, I think I

  • Gee, Randy… why don’t you wait until the end of the evening to say these things?

    What the site really needed to go along with the new video clip section was a brand new video clip. Something that doesn’t consist of three year old footage. So I present to you, a video clip with footage that’s not exactly that old. All kinds of firsts here this week at wiskate.com. I don’t…

  • Dirty Work.

    I love Josh’s renewed interest in the site. And like Josh, I too would like to welcome any and all SkateboardMag readers. We are going to try to make you guys proud. I’m sure you all know, but those dudes over at the Cream City are busy building new stuff for us all to skate.…

  • Goodbye, Liver!

    Since the video clips are back up, I decided to start posting again. Does that seem believable? Thought so