• Video Clips

    Well, looks like the video clips are down. I knew this would happen eventually, I just wasn’t sure when. The people that were hosting the clips hadn’t updated their site in at least three years. They hadn’t even contacted me to pay them in about as long. Obviously this couldn’t last forever, and a few…


    Excellent interview up on nikeskateboarding.com with [JIM HOUSER]

  • Yiffy

    We here at wiskate are a fair publication, so here I present you with a reply to Tim’s post from the other day.

  • 5 lbs. Of Tater Tots.

    Just a few things I would like to touch on tonite. First, why would Mark Appleyard leave a lame shoe company (C1RCA) for another lame shoe company (Globe)? It must be all about the money, because last time I checked, the Tensor colorway Rodney Mullen shoes were the ugliest things out there (and the rest…

  • Ragdoll on Pig Wood

    Check out the Tum Yeto forum. el ztaffoOFFICIAL TUM YETO BAD ASS Joined: 04 Dec 2002Posts: 286Location: San Diego, CA Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:36 pm Post subject: ——————————————————————————– Pig Wood baby!! Read em and weep!_________________

  • Wears a Jacket Like a Person, But Shits Like a Bear.

    New news concerning the Plan B ressurection says Plan B illumni, Sal Barbier will be in control of the team functions. Hopefully Zoo will still have a job for him next year. Packing boxes is an honest living, isn’t it? Oh, and that’s Ryan’s dog up there building a log cabin in their backyard.

  • Shredding for Gentry

    On the first day it hasn’t snowed in Wisconsin in what seems like forever a Skate Jam was held at the Brookfield Skate Park to raise money in support of ousting Chris Gentry and wife Ricca from the Dallas Detention Center, I’m sure you all know that drama by now, but in case you don’t,…

  • Shredding for Heddings

    On the first day it hasn’t rained in California in what seems like forever a Skate Jam was held at the Washington Street Skate Park to raise money in support of ousting Neil Heddings and fianc

  • Shartagram.

    Did any of you tards go to the Blind premiere last night? Didn’t look like it. Well, I went as did a few of my friends, and the video was pretty good. I was a bit dissapointed with Creager – he usually blows my mind. Maybe it’s just that everyone else in the world is…

  • Potter

    Go check out the new sponsor me video up on the Emerica site. This video is not for the faint of heart. The first 20 seconds in renegade surgeries done under a bridge at the Washington street skate park. Potter fell and got glass in his hand. Within a couple days his arm turned purple…