josh is horny
[we are fucked]
Happy Love Day
I got a phone call from Gareth Stehr this morning at 5am. He called to tell me Happy Love day and them mumbled a bunch of shit about Scandonavia and Sleepy Hollow. I have no idea. He hung up before I could figure out what was going on. I assume he was super drunk. Probably…
Being a walking billboard can seem so cool
So, I know a lot of people with tattoos. I know a lot of people with stupid tattoos. I know a lot of poeple with skateboard tattoos. I think it is cool to get something that means a lot to you. And we all know that some skateboard graphics are amazing. Hell, my best friend…
Gold Pressed Latinum
Man, why do the Christians get all the good song parodies? AMAZING.
launch ramps or fly ramps?
[get awesome!]
Damn Yankees.
I came across a site yesterday where you can see clips of the kids from the FA skateshop. It was mostly the typical boring, dramatic, tight pants rail skidders and gap hoppers. However, there was one kid that really got me hyped. Matt Galizia. This kid obviously doesn’t give a crap what size jeans you…
off the map
if you came up skating in the late 80’s or early 90’s, this brings back some fond memories and goodtimes, when pro skaters were at the oldest, 16, the choice of car was a stock honda civic hatchback, and ads and skateboarding were completely silly. see this http://www.thenews.com.au/ archive for examples.
Art Faggin it up in the 05′
Went to the opening of the beautiful losers art show up in Orange County this weekend. Here are some pictures for you. My camera decided it’s a battery eater so halfway through the show it didn’t have enough batteries to flash.. But pictures none the less..
I Would Die 4 U
Yeah, I’ve already been back from Florida for awhile. It’s kind of tough to update a site that’s supposed to be about skateboarding, when I haven’t stepped on a skateboard since I was in Atlanta. When I was in Florida, I finally met another member of the Triumvirate. It was a rainy night in Ybor…
Looks Like Thin Lizzy Lipsliding a Rail.
Bored? Yep, me too. Now that my employer has decided to drastically reduce my hours, I have alot more time on my hands to sit around and do absolutely nothing. Thanks to friends like John McGuire, I have been blessed with some quality cyberspace entertainment. Take this for example. A Cudahay native that makes some…