• The Weekend Part 1 – Saturday

    Got a new camera, so I figure I might as well use it. Here’s some pictures from this past Saturday. If I don’t drop the ball, Sunday will also be up soon. {nl}{nl} One of the first stops of the day was “dirty palms”. Mike worked for this switch varial heel, but landed it clean.…

  • Pure Excitement

  • Saxamaphone!

    Fall is, by far, my favorite season. Sweatshirts and beanies, perfect temperatures and Halloween. I’ve always felt more productive on my skateboard during fall. Maybe it’s because I know that soon I wont be able to skate as much. Or maybe it’s just that after all that summer skating, I finally feel comfortable on my…

  • We now crown thee, King of Gay!

    Everyone knows that rollerblading is lame. I’m not just talking about skateboarders here, I’m talking about your everyday average person. Rollerblading is what your mom does when she wants to lose weight, so it’s obvious to everyone that it is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to skate vs. bmx vs. blade crap.…

  • Nobody likes us Gary, nobody.

    Wow, Tim’s last post sure was bitter and full of angst. There is a simple explanation for this. Brats. Yes, back to the almight bratwurst, and Bratgate Day 9. Tim has no sausages. No links, no brats, nothing in an all natural casing. He is getting annoyed, testy, and very hungry! How long he can…

  • “So Many Flavors In My Mouth”

    Josh and I have been talking about having a contest of sorts. We wanted to have you boners submit edited videos of yourselves sucking at skateboarding and we were going to put together a panel of judges to rate your performances and award prizes. However, there would have been some rules that you tards would…

  • Hurry Boy, it’s Waiting There For You!!

    Bratgate Day 8: If you’ve payed any attention to the moblog this past weekend, you may have noticed that the brat fever has violently spread. Sunday night at my house the first ever wiskate.com Brat Extravaganza occurred. Many wiskate luminaries were in attendance, and the case of brats bought for the occasion was left in…

  • Judy Garland Doesn’t Use Tampons

    Looks like Tim already covered any and all breaking news concerning Bratgate Day 4. I’m kind of disappointed, what could I ever even talk about? Well this is a skateboarding website, how about we try that for once. I broke two boards in a 24 hour period skating a small gap. It’s funny when kids…

  • Candy <3.

    Day 4 of bratgate and I am feeling the effects of one day without a brat. That’s right, I didn’t consume one brat yesterday. You may be wondering why, and that is a question that I, myself can’t even begin to answer. But let me re-assure you that I will more than make up for…

  • Goodbye Horses

    Bratgate Day 3: Still haven’t seen Tim since the day before yesterday. He called yesterday and was claiming he was going to come over and play some DDR to dance dance off some of the weight he’s gained since going bratatarian (kind of like rastafarian, but with less Jah). He never did show up. Today…