• Rancor Rimjob

    Board graphics: Blender Coffee break. So good it hurts my feelings. I love coffee. I love skateboarding. No brainier Blender rear view mirror. It says “Hey I’m back here eating a taco drawing Steve Claar”. Jerry Hsu Kittens and Rainbows. Can’t get enough. Mine would have pizza and cookies. Skate Shoes: Airwalk JIM shoe. The…

  • Kisses For Nein Nunb.

    It’s been a pretty rad couple of weeks (minus a twisted ankle that actually kept me from skating). The weather is turning, Gabe brought me a new camera from Canon, I’ve been able to ride my bike, I had a good birthday thanks to Josh and my girlfriend Chloe and I got a great new…

  • Dingus Kahn Revisited

    Picture party! I got a new lens awhile ago. I wanted to see what skate photos look like with it. Weird, I suppose. John Rockafellow backside tailslide. The G-Turn is tight though. Picture of a picture, how clever. Troy picked up a new sponsor. Haven’t had a picture of a dead thing on here in…

  • A Big Kiss From Nien Nunb

    We’ve got a birthday boy on our hands! It’s again the time of the year that Tim Olson was fired into this realm ready to make a mark on this planet of ours. Have a happy one, guy! I hope the little guy is ready to be buried in Nien Nunb action figures and force…

  • No One Can Hear You Zorb In Outer Space

    It’s been raining hard as balls all day and night. Nothing better to do than make a new mini video. I hope you will enjoy the first street skateboarding clip of 2008, Mini Video 43 – GC. Thank you.

  • Sure, There Was Plenty Of Lovemaking – But No love.

    A lover of guns, a lover of women and a hater of truth hiding apes, Charlton Heston, died on Saturday at the age of 84. This brings a tear to my eye as I am a huge Heston fan and also a hater of the Ape conspiracy. He also played a plethora of other characters…

  • Sweet and Tender Hooligan

    Just so you know… Tim regained the 720 crown. Here’s a bonus picture of a cat.

  • They Go Crazy In the Bedroom Baby, They Might Explode Your Mind!

    I took this photo with the lens that came with the very first SLR I ever owned at the tender young age of 18. It’s a piece of crap, but you can never forget your firsts. Tim did this frontside wallride on a board more similar to his very first skateboard than usual. What a…

  • Zubaz For Sale

    Hello, hello. Not much has been going on around these parts due to some late season weather misfortunes. I did just download Pacman CE for the Sbox 350 and that is quite enraging and fun. We’ve also of course been skating at Cream City and Tim has been raging their 720 machine, but alas, Tim…

  • Keates and Yeats are on your side, while Wilde is on Mine.

    Easter was a dreadful bore, These bikes belong to my friend. He has three of them. I went on a trip with my friend. We had an orphan’s Easter bike ride. This was on the way. Then we saw these, but didn’t have any skateboards to use on them. I found this ditched boat under…