• John Hughes Took My Virginity

    This is my first chance to sit down since I’ve been home for work. Toil, toil, toil. Tire buying trips, seat clamp spray painting, bike rides to pick up salads, dishes, shit boxes, garbages. Chores. All day. No complaints, this is what happens when you grow old. Another thing that happens is you start buying…

  • Its coming around.

    Well half of the bowl at Cream City is complete. It is pretty much the fastest thing I have ever skated and it is only half done. Its nice to see it go from this to this I like to keep things real serious when we are working so don’t fuck with me.

  • “Your Tauntaun Will Freeze Before You Reach The First Marker!”

    I like updating on Tuesday nights (Wednesday mornings?). I usually have a lot of great photos from the weekend events not to mention the skating that happens at Cream City on Tuesday nights. Today you’re going to get a photo extravaganza. Hold on to your pants, things might get weird. As some of you might…

  • Did something melt in your pocket?

    Did something melt in your pocket you ask. Well, I sure as shit thought so when I went to the Whiting Park in Whiting, Indiana. They build these extreme bowls to build this new breed of skater but you can’t breed something when there is nothing to breed with. We wer the first ones here…

  • Be My Friend Tonight.

    First action item…guess who has a birthday today?? Let me give you a clue:Exactly! Tim! May this be your horniest year yet. I have big plans of grape MD 20/20, Mongolian BBQ, and goats for dude tonight. That is, if Gabe isn’t a total pussy. Don’t blow it! Otherwise, in my last update I had…

  • Holy Shit!!!

    Well its really coming around at the greatest place on earth. The bowl is half completed and is looking sweet. When you carvre around the corners you feel like you are the pilot of a fighter jet doing a loop and feeling the g forces. I love that feeling!

  • Uncle Will

    I just thought I’d post an old(er) photo of Uncle Will at Cream City. Will and his compadre Mr. Jeff Chase are in the process of making that sick little mini into a bowl! Say what? If you haven’t seen it… it won’t be long before it’s done! Peep the Cream City Dork Page for…

  • Nine years is a long time, but please don’t go just yet

    I’m pretty amped that Munz threw up that pic of Stemper on his TSM b-word. When you combine the Murder Barn and Stemper, the results are clearly going to outshine anything that you can possibly conceive. That night was a bit wild, even if I wanted to kill Stemper at the end of it. I…

  • A Shitty Dong.

    Josh is right. I am attempting to out-sleep Gary. It’s not as easy as it sounds. He naps about 18 hours out of the day and the other 6 hours are spent raping Mr. Spooky and/or meowing uncontrollably at any closed door. How do you compete with that? I may have to concede. It’s cool…

  • The Last Klingon

    It looks like it’s excuse time. Cru is swamped with school. Tim is working on getting his sleeping hours per day (shpd) to a level matching Gary’s. Toby has been off photographing Pikas in outer Mongolia. Steve is extremely busy finalizing the Fall ’08 women’s Rude Dog line. The Carn is editing ID3 tags for…