Paris Hilton Has Herpes.

Now that I have my internet back, I have been all over the information superhighway. Tonite, I happened across a couple of good ones.
First, is Tim O’Connor and Brad Staba (and some other dudes) with Skate Mental. Some funny shit and a really good team. I really like this crap.
I also checked out Amanda’s site; Girls Skate Better. Straight out of Illinois and covering female skaters from all over the world. Nice work Amanda.

Now that it’s getting cold, I can feel the pounds adding on every time I eat. If anyone knows a good personal trainer that works cheap, let me know.

From what I hear, the Northern video is all finished up and just waiting to be premiered. Hopefully Brian will make that happen a.s.a.p. Should be good.

I am sure most of you are waxing up your snowboards and getting your jester hats out of the closet for the winter season, but don’t let the cold keep you from hitting the streets. It’s still dry out there.



