Poseur-Ass Ramones Fan

My update comes a bit later than usual. I do apologize, but I was unable to remove myself from bed the past few days. It seems that I had some sort of flu/food poisoning situation that may have stemmed from a particular place that I eat at quite frequently. I’m not going to say where but I will say that I was there eight times last week.

I missed this in my update last week, but last Monday night was absolutely amazing. A few friends and I headed up to this total douche spot on North Ave that has a mic on its sign for an “I”. I innocently thought that we’d have a few $1 Pabst to celebrate the b-day of a friend and call it a night. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The Emerica Bike Gang was in the bar celebrating not having to carry out the ridiculous task of completing two demos in one day, something that no human should be asked to do. I won’t get into too many of the details, but essentially one of MKE’s finest karaoke maniacs took full drunken control and stole the show. It was classic.

In rad items this week….riding the skyglider at Polish Fest, dancing at the non-stop polka stage, ladies of leisure are still in there (but apparently the end of leisure days are rapidly approaching!), chocolate infused peanut butter, walking through the crowd at North Ave days and being stoked (not bummed), vegan chocolate chip cookies at Node and crashing bikes in front of BeeBee’s.

That’s it for this week…However, if anyone has any idea what happened to me last Friday/Sat from 2:45 AM on, I’d love to know..send me an email.